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EduFresh Announces Exciting New Partnership with Dr. Laura Riffel and Teacheropedia

We are thrilled to announce that EduFresh has partnered with Dr. Laura Riffel and her acclaimed Teacheropedia platform to significantly enhance our professional development offerings for educators. This collaboration marks a major milestone in our mission to support teachers, improve classroom behavior, and foster student success.

About Dr. Laura Riffel and Teacheropedia

Dr. Laura Riffel, a distinguished advocate for children with 50 years of experience, is renowned for her contributions to the field of special education. Holding a Ph.D. in Special Education from the University of Kansas, Dr. Riffel has dedicated her career to teaching, directing statewide behavioral programs, and consulting with schools across the nation. Her expertise spans a wide range of critical areas, including Classroom Management, Mental Health, School Climate, Self-Regulation, Dyslexia, and Functional Behavior Assessments.

Teacheropedia, the brainchild of Dr. Riffel, is a comprehensive online resource that offers over 95 courses and hundreds of hours of rich, engaging content. Dr. Riffel continually updates the platform with new training modules, ensuring that educators have access to the latest strategies and insights in behavior management and special education.

Course Offerings on Teacheropedia

As the premier reseller of Teacheropedia, EduFresh is excited to bring this wealth of knowledge directly to schools. Here are some of the key course categories available:

  • Classroom Management:
    • Alphabet Soup for Preschool through First Grade
    • Classroom Management: Tier Two Strategies
    • Evidence Based Interventions
    • Positive Interventions and Effective Strategies for Pre-K through First Grade
  • Social Emotional Learning:
    • Anxiety and Stress in the Classroom
    • Teaching Social Skills for Pre-K through First Grade
    • Emotional Intelligence and Teaching Self-Regulation
    • Interventions for Emotional Behavior Disorders
  • Functional Behavior Assessment and Analysis:
    • Functional Behavior Analysis Using Iwata’s Four Conditions
    • Functional Behavior Assessment to Behavioral Intervention Planning
    • Putting the “FUN” in Functional Behavior Assessment for Elementary Staff
  • Universal Behavior Support:
    • Administrative Overview for Universal Behavior Support
    • Universal Behavior Support From Start to Finish
    • School-wide Mental Health
  • Relationships:
    • Building and Maintaining Relationships with Students
    • Principles for Principals
    • Including Family Members in Your Whole School Universal Behavior Program

What This Partnership Means for You

This partnership allows EduFresh to expand our professional development offerings, providing educators with the tools they need to create positive learning environments and effectively manage classroom behavior.

Key Benefits of Our Enhanced Offerings:

  • Extensive Course Selection: With access to over 95 courses, teachers can find tailored content that addresses their specific needs and challenges.
  • Expert-Led Training: Learn from Dr. Laura Riffel, whose expertise and practical strategies have transformed classrooms nationwide.
  • Ongoing Support: EduFresh and Teacheropedia are committed to helping teachers feel less burned out and overwhelmed, providing continuous professional development and support.
  • Focus on Student Success: By improving classroom behavior and climate, teachers can create an environment where every child has the opportunity to succeed.

Empowering Teachers, Enriching Classrooms

At EduFresh, we understand the challenges that teachers face in managing classroom behavior and fostering a positive learning environment. Our partnership with Dr. Riffel and Teacheropedia is a testament to our commitment to support educators in their vital work. We believe that by providing high-quality professional development resources, we can help teachers feel more confident and capable, ultimately benefiting students across the board.

Stay tuned for more updates and opportunities to engage with the rich content now available through EduFresh and Teacheropedia. Together, we can create thriving classrooms where teachers and students excel.

For more information about the online courses available through Teacheropedia, contact Parker at